型号: SC-9008
绚丽百态,简约而唯美,是造型艺术的混搭. LED 裸眼3D 蜂巢灯,平面呈现立体,色彩随心所变,外观布设具有更强的组合和艺术设计。艺术亮化的代表作,亮或不亮,皆属艺术品。
Gorgeous shapes and sizes, simple and beautiful, it is the perfect mix of visual arts. LED 3D honeycomb, using a panel to bring a amazing 3D vision, color ever-changing, appearance and layout has a stronger combination of art and design. The masterpiece of art lighting, either light on or off, it is an artwork.
控制方式:SD卡控制(兼容DMX、遥控)联机控制(MADRIX 适用)
光源:5050 SMD 3in1
面板材料:铁板, 雾化板
视角:180 º
工作温度:-20~ +60℃
1.艺术性 平面呈现立体,数量可多可少,任意拼搭,皆为艺术;
2.装饰性 多彩边框与发光面板巧妙撞色,三款不同尺寸混搭,装饰性;
3.舒适性 发光柔和舒适,几何形状面光构成,视觉效果奇幻清新;
4.颠覆性 颠覆了以点光源与线光源为主的背景装饰性灯光的视觉效果;
5.兼容性 兼容DMX,TTL信号控制简单,采用功能强大MATRIX,效果惊艳;
6.简易性 三种安装方式可供选择,安装,调试简单,方便,快捷;
Product Features:
1. Artistry Using a panel to bring a amazing 3D vision, it can be either big or small quantity , assembling freely. All can be an artwork.
2. Decorative Colorful border and light panel with a bold contrast color combination, three different sizes can be mix-matched, highly decorative.
3. Comfortable Light glows soft and comfortable, constitute by geometry shape panel light, fantasy and fresh visual effects.
4. Subversive To subversive visual effect with background decorative lights based on point source and line source.
5. Compatibility Compatible with DMX, TTL, simple signal control, and with powerful MATRIX control, to make a amazing effect.
6. Simplicity 3 installation options, simple installation & debugging, fast convenient.
Nightclubs, bars, music restaurant bar, KTV rooms (lighting and entertainment 2 in 1), the mall aisle background, product conference, concerts, restaurant walls and ceiling, outdoor architectural lighting, advertising lighting