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光绪元宝是钱币收藏的大类,历来都受到很多藏家的关注,不同版别的光绪元宝都有特的韵味,值得藏家深品。在众多版别的光绪元宝中,其中以广东省造光绪元宝双龙寿字币铸造工艺为精美,纹饰为,受人们欢迎,是很多古玩收藏爱好者追逐的焦点。广东双龙寿字一两银币,因民间大量仿造而,在钱币收藏界以其存世量真品而受到人们的珍视。更由于它的制作异常精美而倍受人们的宠爱。在我国近代银币中,它是久享的一种,也被列入中国近代机制币珍。光绪元宝是大清光绪年流通大面值货币,是我国首批引进海外技术的印发流通货币,对于现今也蕴藏了一定历史意义。广东省造本省光绪元宝”,俗称“广东省造本省银元”。价格高昂,数量极其,如果您拥有势必要夺为己有。Guangxu Yuan Bao is a kind of coin collection, has always been the concern of many collectors, different versions of the Guangxu Yuan Bao have a unique flavor, it is worth collecting deep. Among the numerous versions of Guangxu Yuan Bao, the Shuanglongshou coins made in Guangdong Province are the most exquisite in casting technology, the most exquisite in decoration, and the most popular among people. They are the focus of many curio collectors. One or two silver coins of Guangdong Shuanglong Shouzi are well-known for their large number of imitations among the people. In the coin collection circle, they are cherished for their scarcity of authentic coins in the world. It is much more favored by people because of its exquisite production. Among the modern silver coins in China, it is one of the most famous ones, and it is also listed in the ten treasures of modern Chinese mechanism coins. Guangxu Yuanbao is the first currency with large denomination in Guangxu of Qing Dynasty. It is the first currency to be issued and printed with the introduction of overseas technology in China. It also has a certain historical significance for today. Guangdong province is the treasure of Guangxu province. It is commonly known as "the silver dollar of Guangdong province." The price is high and the quantity is extremely rare. If you have it, you will have to take it for yourself.

此枚“广东省造光绪元宝”钱币正面中央为“光绪元宝”及满文,外环珠圈,上缘纪地文字为“广东省造”。下缘纪值文字为“库平一钱四分四厘”;背面中央铸“飞龙”图及珠圈,上缘英文纪地KWANG-TUNG PROVINCE(广东省造),下缘英文纪值1 MACE AND 4.4 CANDAREENS(一钱四分四厘)。左右各一十字星。此币审美风格特,钱币正面鲜然可见满汉文化的融合,而钱背却明确标示了西方文化的介入。钱币虽小,也可管窥社会文化一斑。其包浆入骨,熟旧自然,深打字口清楚,流通痕迹明显,边纹饰晰,


钱币市场现在走势向好,将来上涨行情看好。“十年前几毛钱一枚的古钱币,现在报价已翻了好几番,而且持续坚持上涨的 趋势。”从商代的贝币、战国的刀、布币,到秦代的方孔圆钱,再到清末的机制币,中国古代钱币可谓种类多样,款式丰富,其文化历史价值与保藏出资价值招引了 大批爱好者和藏家。升值快的当数其间的珍品类古钱币,其在市场上非常受追捧,涨幅很大,在拍卖会上更是大放光荣,如在2009年嘉德秋季拍卖会钱币专场 中,一枚极端稀有的清代咸丰通宝宝福局背字“大清壹百”以196万元人民币的拍出;2013年嘉德春拍上,一枚珍罕品——宝源局造背镇库大钱,以 253万元成交,打破了清钱的成交纪录。


光绪元宝是清代光绪年间特有的一种货币。有着清朝货币特征,由于当时时局不稳定,因此几乎在全国的各个省都有的货币铸造厂。因此我们会发现那个时代的货币上都有鲜明的铸字,标明是哪个省的造币厂铸造的。广东省造币厂铸造的光绪元宝的币值有有七钱二分、三钱六分、一钱四分四厘、七分二厘、三分六厘五等Guangxu Yuanbao is a unique currency in the Guangxu period of the Qing Dynasty. With the characteristics of the Qing Dynasty currency, due to the instability of the times, almost every province in the country has a special money foundry. So we'll find that the coins of that time were marked with distinct characters, indicating which province the mint had minted. The value of the Guangxu Yuan Bao coined by the Guangdong Mint is 7 cents, 3 cents, 1 cents, 4 cents, 7 cents, 2 cents, 3 cents and 6.5 cents.








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@2009-2025 京ICP证100626