其器型为绿松石釉,亦称“秋葵绿釉”,是一种瓷器釉色,是清雍正时期创烧的绿釉新品种。瓶口急收,高圈足,造型端庄古朴,典雅大方,装饰风格及釉料丰富特,上中下部均采用仿生窑变绿松石釉,厚重温润,颈下部刻瓷描金装饰蕉叶纹,腹部铁锈釉打地平铺描金凤鸟纹,尊循古制,胎质致密,底部描金携刻大清乾隆年制六字篆书款 综上所述,不失为一件乾隆年间的瓷器创新陈设器。
The shape of the jade pot spring bottle is evolved from the net water bottle in the temple of tang dynasty. The basic shape is a skimmer, a thin neck, a lower abdomen, and a rounded foot. It is a bottle with a soft curve as the contour line. The unique feature of the shape is that the neck is thin, the center of the neck is slightly constricted, the neck is gradually widened and becomes apricot shaped and saggy abdomen, and the curve changes slowly. The circle foot is relatively large, or inward or outward. The shape of this bottle was shaped in the song dynasty, and it has gone through the song, yuan, Ming, qing, republic of China and even modern times.
Its utensil type is turquoise glaze, also known as "okra green glaze", which is a kind of porcelain glaze color, is a new green glaze created and burned in yongzheng period of qing dynasty. Bottle closed, ring foot tall, dignified modelling of primitive simplicity, elegant generous, rich unique decoration style and glaze, part adopts bionic kiln turquoise on glaze, massiness moist, neck bottom carved porcelain paint decoration in grain, the abdomen play to rust glaze tile paint phoenix bird patterns, and follow the old system, TaiZhi density, the colour with engraved at the bottom of the qing qianlong year six seal character To sum up, can yet be regarded as a qianlong dynasty porcelain innovative high-quality goods display device.