工业除尘机 应用领域:
能适用于各种种类粉尘之收集 如窑业、铸造、炼铜、炼铝、沥青拌合、水泥、 皮革、研磨、饲料、锅炉、 焚化炉、木业、食品、树 脂、化工、纺织 PCB电路等;也能有效处理钢铁、 非铁金属 、矿业、各种炉用集尘(化铁炉 熔解炉 焚化炉等)各种干燥、搅拌、混合排气集 尘的处理;亦常用于物料输送 粉尘回收等场所。
In some of the heavier particles, the pipe diameter and tube length should be considered. Usually there are, some main factors affecting the effects of suction can be all-weather 24 hours operation, supporting all kinds of precision machinery, work in process equipment clean clean, pipe diameter is too thick, pipe diameter, length is too long, suction fan power itself is too small, too much and grading curves receive processing is not good!
工业吸尘器是工业中常用的一种环保清洁设备,工业集尘脉冲集尘器采用不同的基材制作的滤芯所应对的过滤方案也不一样, 车间吸尘器可以吸收各种金属,非金属,油,水和其他颗粒污垢和液体,可以吸收和净化有毒有害气体,可以改善纺织工业的产品质量,并且可以回收一些昂贵的催化剂。 化学工业。 ,作为一种环保设备,吸尘器可以有效地预防职业病的危害,例如焊工尘肺,制鞋厂的白血病等。
The bag-type main dust separator can effectively filter a large amount of dust and prolong the service life of the dust separator after special treatment. HEPA filter can be configured according to the customer"s location.