库存 因公司实体店铺出货量大,库存随时在变化,店铺显示的数量非实际库存,如不够您需求的数量,请联系客服修改。签收 未了保障您的权益,快递物流请务必本人验货确认无误后再签收。
Don Erro ErrorID 名称 含义
e r (十六进制)
0 1 80880000 BadSequenceNumberIn The sequence number is not valid.
0 1 80890000 BadConfigurationError There is a problem with the configuration that affects
the usefulness of the value.
0 1 808A0000 BadNotConnected The variable should receive its value from another
variable, but has never been configured to do so.
0 1 808B0000 BadDeviceFailure There has been a failure in the device/data source
that generates the value that has affected the value.
0 1 808C0000 BadSensorFailure There has been a failure in the sensor from which
the value is derived by the device/data source.
0 1 808D0000 BadOutOfService The source of the data is not operational.
0 1 808E0000 BadDeadbandFilterInvali The dead band filter is not valid.
0 1 80970000 BadRefreshInProgress This Condition refresh failed, a Condition refresh
operation is already in progress.
0 1 80980000 BadConditionAlreadyDis This condition has already been disabled.
0 1 80990000 BadConditionDisabled Property not ailable, this condition is disabled.
0 1 809A0000 BadEventIdUnknown The specified event id is not recognized.
0 1 809B0000 BadNoData No data exists for the requested time range or event
0 1 809D0000 BadDataLost Data is missing due to collection start-
0 1 809E0000 BadDataUnailable Expected data is unailable for the requested time
range due to an unmounted volume an off-line ar-
chive or tape or similar reason for temporary una-
0 1 809F0000 BadEntryExists The data or event was not successfully inserted be-
cause a matching entry exists.
0 1 80A00000 BadNoEntryExists The data or event was not successfully updated be-
cause no matching entry exists.
CP 443-1 OPC UA
134 操作说明, 01/2017, C79000-G8952-27-02 编程 OPC UA 块
5.10 错误编号
Don Erro ErrorID 名称 含义
e r (十六进制)
0 1 80A10000 BadTimestampNotSupp The client requested history using a timestamp for-
orted mat the server does not support (i. e. requested
ServerTimestamp when server only supports
0 1 80AB0000 BadInvalidArgument One or more arguments are invalid.
0 1 80AC0000 BadConnectionRejected Could not establish a network connection to remote
0 1 80AD0000 BadDisconnect The server has disconnected from the client.
0 1 80AE0000 BadConnectionClosed The network connection has been closed.
0 1 80AF0000 BadInvalidState The operation cannot be completed because the
object is closed uninitialized or in some other invalid
0 1 80B00000 BadEndOfStream Cannot move beyond end of the stream.
0 1 80B10000 BadNoDataAvailable No data is currently ailable for reading from a non-
blocking stream.
0 1 80B20000 BadWaitingForResponse The asynchronous operation is waiting for a re-
0 1 80B30000 BadOperationAbandone The asynchronous operation was abandoned by the
d caller.
0 1 80B40000 BadExpectedStreamToB The stream did not return all data requested (possi-
lock bly because it is a non-blocking stream).
0 1 80B50000 BadWouldBlock Non-blocking behior is required and the operation
would block.
0 1 80B60000 BadSyntaxError A value had an invalid syntax.
0 1 80B70000 BadMaxConnections The operation could not be finished because all
Reached ailable connections are in use.
0 1 80BB0000 BadEventNot The event cannot be acknowledged.
0 1 80BD0000 BadInvalidTimestamp The defined timestamp to return was invalid.
0 1 80BE0000 BadProtocolVersion The applications do not he compatible protocol
Unsupported versions.
CP 443-1 OPC UA
操作说明, 01/2017, C79000-G8952-27-02 135 编程 OPC UA 块
5.10 错误编号
Don Erro ErrorID 名称 含义
e r (十六进制)
0 1 80C10000 BadFilterOperatorInvalid An unrecognized operator was provided in a filter.
0 1 80C20000 BadFilterOperator A valid operator was provided, but the server does
Unsupported not provide support for this filter operator.
0 1 80C30000 BadFilterOperandCount The number of operands provided for the filter oper-
Mismatch ator was less than expected for the operand provid-
0 1 800000 BadFilterElementInvalid The referenced element is not a valid element in the
content filter.
0 1 80C50000 BadFilterLiteralInvalid The referenced literal is not a valid value.
0 1 80C90000 BadViewTimestampInval The view timestamp is not ailable or not support-
id ed.
0 1 80CA0000 BadViewParameterMism The view parameters are not consistent with each
atch other.
0 1 80CB0000 BadViewVersionInvalid The view version is not ailable or not supported.
0 1 80CC0000 BadConditionAlready This condition has already been enabled.
0 1 80CD0000 BadDialogNotActive The dialog condition is not active.
0 1 80CF0000 BadConditionBranch The condition branch has already been acknowl-
AlreadyAcked edged.
0 1 80D00000 BadConditionBranch The condition branch has already been confirmed.
0 1 80D10000 BadConditionAlreadySh The condition has already been shelved.
0 1 80D20000 BadConditionNotShelve The condition is not currently shelved.
0 1 80D30000 BadShelvingTimeOutOf The shelving time not within an acceptable range.
0 1 80D40000 BadAggregateListMisma The requested number of Aggregates does not
tch match the requested number of NodeIds.
0 1 80D50000 BadAggregateNotSuppo The requested Aggregate is not support by the serv-
rted er.
CP 443-1 OPC UA
136 操作说明, 01/2017, C79000-G8952-27-02 编程 OPC UA 块
5.10 错误编号
Don Erro ErrorID 名称 含义
e r (十六进制)
0 1 80D60000 BadAggregateInvalidInp The aggregate value could not be derived due to
uts invalid data inputs.
0 1 80DB0000 BadTooManyMonitoredIt The request could not be processed because there
ems are too many monitored items in the subscription.
0 1 80D70000 BadBoundNotFound No data found to provide upper or lower bound val-
0 1 80D80000 BadBoundNotSupported The server cannot retrieve a bound for the variable.
0 1 00D90000 GoodDataIgnored The request specifies fields which are not valid for
the EventType or cannot be sed by the historian.
0 1 80DA0000 BadAggregateConfigurat The aggregate configuration is not valid for specified
ion node.
0 1 810D0000 BadCertificateChain Message from remote server: The certificate chain is
Incomplete incomplete.
OPC UA 的 PLCOpen 的错误编号
0 1 A0000001 PLCopenUA_Bad_FW_ Internal, permanent error.
0 1 A0000002 PLCopenUA_Bad_FW_ Temp. Error; FB could retry to reach FW.
0 1 A0000003 PLCopenUA_Bad_ Connection could not be established.
0 1 A0000004 PLCopenUA_Bad_ The requested hostname could not be found.
0 1 A0000005 PLCopenUA_Bad_ Connection was already established.
0 1 A0000006 PLCopenUA_Bad_ Connection failed due to security setup.
0 1 A0000007 PLCopenUA_Bad_ Connection is suspended.
0 1 A0000008 PLCopenUA_Bad_ Provided ConnectionHdl is not known.
CP 443-1 OPC UA
操作说明, 01/2017, C79000-G8952-27-02 137 编程 OPC UA 块
5.10 错误编号
Don Erro ErrorID 名称 含义
e r (十六进制)
0 1 A0000009 PLCopenUA_Bad_ A namespace with the requested name cannot be
NSNotFound found on server.
0 1 A000000A PLCopenUA_Bad_ Target PLC variable is too short for retrieved data.
0 1 A000000B PLCopenUA_Bad_ Invalid or unsupported Type.
0 1 A000000C PLCopenUA_Bad_ Provided NodeHdl is not known.
0 1 A000000D PLCopenUA_Bad_ Provided MethodHdl is not known.
0 1 A000000E PLCopenUA_Bad_ Read failed for unknown reason.
0 1 A000000F PLCopenUA_Bad_ Write failed for unknown reason.
0 1 A0000010 PLCopenUA_Bad_ Method Call failed for unknown reason.
0 1 A0000011 PLCopenUA_Bad_ Method Call Input parameter conversion failed.
0 1 A0000012 PLCopenUA_Bad_ Method Call Output parameter conversion failed.
OutParamFailed ATTENTION: this means the MethodCall was exe-
cuted successfully but the returned values could not
be converted.
0 1 A0000013 PLCopenUA_Bad_ Provided SubscriptionHdl is not known.
0 1 A0000014 PLCopenUA_Bad_ Provided MonitoredItemHdl is not known.