恒旺厂家HWZG-600L履带压桩机 光伏压桩机,液压压桩机
产品信息Product information:
Hydraulic hammer is diesel belt start, powered by oil pressure, hydraulic pressure can be adjusted according to different soil strata, in order to achieve the appropriate impact to pile driving, is a new kind of pile drivers.Small and medium-sized hydraulic pile driver, often used for highway guardrail piling, highway guardrail construction.Similar pile driving equipment are: hydraulic pile driver, hammers, guardrail, hammers, pared with diesel pile hammer, hydraulic hammer of the energy transfer efficiency can reach 70% ~ 95%, and the energy transfer efficiency of diesel hammer is only 20% ~ 30%, and the hydraulic hammer pile driving control precision, can achieve different strata of piling;Hydraulic hammer in reducing noise, vibration and noise has outstanding performance, especially suitable for city construction needs.Hydraulic hammer effect is obvious, energy saving and emission reduction is the mainstream of future development driver.
产品参数Product parameters:
型号 HWZG-600L
桩管直径 100~220mm
桩管da长度 6m
柴油锤规格 8T
地面允许大坡度 2°
移位方式 液压履带式
行走速度: 6千米/小时
工作状态(长、宽、高) 6*2.2*3.2m
运输状态 6*2.2*3.2m
整机重量 6T
主要配置说明 此款打桩机根据桩管长度可分为4米以内和6米以内两种桩 ,钻机底盘可选择固定式和360°旋转式两种。
电话:0537- 260555
传真:0537- 2583028