天通品牌稳定土拌和机在国内道路与机场稳定七路面施工中得到广泛的应用。它具有生产、稳定土质量好、节省原材料、改善劳动强度等特点。 目前世界上所采用的稳定土拌和机械设备,按其施工工艺主要分成两大类:一类是集中厂拌施工法;一类是路拌施工法。路面结构一般是根据路床设计CBR和交通量设计的。近来,实施了在路床土中掺人水泥和石灰,进行现场稳定处理施工法,使路床得到加固。
(Jining Tiantong machinery) in recent years, with the continuous development of Chinese economy, city construction pace increase, with the increase of traffic and other factors, the city road construction and renovation projects are more and more, from the city's main road, the road of primary and secondary roads, residential road street, there are plans, batches of roads in the city the construction of new and expanded, from the compaction quality of environmental protection and investment, subgrade subgrade strength has been the key subgrade engineering quality control. In recent years, many professionals have put forward the control method of subgrade compaction from many aspects through theoretical research and construction verification, ensuring the quality of earthwork roadbed. No experience can be followed for the control of the quality of the same position and the subgrade engineering control of the earthwork subgrade project.
Tian Tong brand stabilized soil mixing machine is widely used in the construction of seven road and airport stability in foreign road and airport. It has the characteristics of high production efficiency, good quality of stabilized soil, saving raw materials and improving labor intensity. At present, the stable soil mixing equipment used in the world is mainly divided into two categories according to its construction technology: one is the centralized plant mixing construction method; the other is the road mixing construction method. The pavement structure is generally based on the design of CBR road and traffic design. Recently, the implementation of the roadbed soil mixed with cement and lime stabilized, on-site construction method, the roadbed reinforced.
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