My alter ego, the mountain god, because did not get a day emperor officially conferring the to is god, so also known as my alter ego. Since ancient times, my alter ego is the image of justice, tall, with my alter ego of decorative design in a utensil, inion artifacts also been giving more protection and the role of to ward off bad luck, my alter ego of money, with its small and light, easy to wear, the characteristics of being one of the most happy accessories.
花钱中出现“山鬼”纹饰,体现人们祈求山鬼雷霆杀鬼降精斩妖的。山鬼纹饰花钱中的文字“急急如律令”是道教中的一种咒语意思就是希望太上老君解救人们的苦难时的速度,来的如律令那样快。山鬼八卦花钱的背面是八卦纹饰,八卦纹饰据说 是人文始祖伏羲研究龙马身上的毛发而创造发明。八卦纹饰,早见于《易经》,阴阳五行是《易经》 的中心学说!
To spend money in "my alter ego" ornamentation, shows people pray for my alter ego kill ghost thunder drop of pure behead demon to ward off bad luck. Spend my alter ego grain in the text, "nasty such as imperative" is one of the Taoist incantations which means hope too on the speed of the old gentleman to rescue people's suffering, as fast as the laws. My alter ego is gossip to spend money on the back of the gossip ornamentation, gossip ornamentation is said to be The fur is the dragon humanities ancestor fu xi research and invention. Gossip grain, as early as in "I ching", Yin and Yang theory of the five elements is the center of the yi jing!
文中此花钱直直径:4.4cm 重量:约33.1g,正面为“雷霆雷霆,杀鬼降精,斩妖,永保神清,奉太上老君急急如律令敕。雷令山鬼”的符咒,背面为楷体阳文八卦纹饰和乾、兑、离、震、巽、坎、艮、坤八个楷书阳文。钱币制作精美,文字清晰可辨,造型特,实为花钱中的。
In this money straight diameter: 4.4 cm weight: 33.1 g, the front, the "Oklahoma city thunder, kill devil, demon to ward off bad luck, and god, serve too old gentleman on nasty such as laws of troublesome. Ray to my alter ego "spells, for regular on the back of Yang wen gossip ornamentation and dry,,, shock, xun, candy, gen, eight regular of Yang wen. Coin beautifully made, writing clear, the modelling is unique, it is to spend money in the high-quality goods.
It is worth mentioning my alter ego to spend money for long time with antique collection properties, features and to ward off bad luck, Chinese ancient COINS collection culture attribute, and scarcity of non-reproducible regeneration, and a growing number of collector, the price of my alter ego to spend money is doomed to go all the way!