我公司申请欧盟,美国,澳大利亚以及中东南美等等国家各类认证:FDA510K认证,欧盟自由销售证书,欧盟授权代表,ISO13485/ISO9001认证,欧盟CE认证(MDR(REGULATION (EU) 2019/745)),FDA注册,FDA验厂,英国授权代表,MHRA注册,美国代理人服务,澳大利亚TGA认证,CE整套技术文件编订、 CE第四版评价(MEDDEV 2.7.1 Rev 4)编写)、防护服PPE指令Type5/6认证、器械单一体系审核MDSAP认证、BSCI验厂、BRC 认证,澳大利亚TGA注册、口罩NELNSON(尼尔森)检测:(EN 14683检测、BFE检测,VFE检测、PFE检测)、手术衣EN13795测试,器械产品备案登记表、器械产品注册证、生产备案登记表、生产许可证
1)如果企业用自己的美国进口商作为美国FDA Agent,那么将不能避免的让有意向与你合作的其他进口商知道你目前在和哪家进口商进行合作。如果这不是你所希望的,那么选择立的第三方美国FDA授权代理人,将可以避免将你目前的进口商暴露在其他进口商的面前。
3)因分销环节中的各种原因引起的产品召回或者其他不良事件,如果美国FDA就此提出质疑或者进行调查,作为利益相关方同时也是美国FDA Agent的进口商会保护你的利益还是他们自己的利益呢?是否会做到公正、及时、准确地向你通报相关事宜呢?此时,只有立的第三方美国FDA授权代理人是您可靠的伙伴,维护您真正的利益!
Any foreign establishment engaged in the manufacture, preparation, propagation, compounding, or processing of a device imported into the United States must identify a United States agent (U.S. agent) for that establishment.
Information about a foreign establishment’s U.S. Agent is submitted electronically using the FDA Unified Registration and Listing System (FURLS system) and is part of the establishment registration process. Each foreign establishment may designate only one U.S. agent. The foreign establishment may also, but is not required to, designate its U.S. agent as its official correspondent. The foreign establishment should provide the name, address, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address of the U.S. agent.
The U.S. agent identified will be required to complete an automated process to confirm that they have agreed to act as the U.S. agent. The automated process will forward an email verification request to the U.S. agent. They will be requested to confirm her/his consent to act as a representative/liaison on behalf of the foreign establishment. If the U.S. agent denies consent (or does not respond within 10 business days), the Official Correspondent/Owner Operator of the foreign establishment will be notified and must designate a new U.S. agent to satisfy the regulatory obligation.
Responsibilities of a U.S. agent
The U.S. agent must either reside in the U.S. or maintain a place of business in the U.S. The U.S. agent cannot use a post office box as an address. The U.S. agent cannot use an answering service. They must be available to answer the phone or have an employee available to answer the phone during normal business hours.
The responsibilities of the U.S. agent are limited and include:
assisting FDA in communications with the foreign establishment,
responding to questions concerning the foreign establishment's devices that are imported or offered for import into the United States,
FDA国际自由销售许可证不仅是美国FDA认证中别的认证,而且是世贸组织(WTO)核定有关食品、药品的高通行认证,是通过美国FDA和世界贸易组织核定后才可发放的认证证书。一旦获此认证,产品畅通进入任何WTO成员,甚至连行销模式,所在国都不得干预。因此,国际很多厂商都以追求获得 FDA 认证作为产品品质的高荣誉和。