产品名称:GPS Networking放大器MLA20RPDC
品牌:GPS Networking
频率:1.1-1.7GHZ(Antenna - J1)
增益:20-26dB(24.5TYP Ant – J1)
噪声系数:3.5dBMAX(Ant – J1)
增益平坦度:0.5-1dB(|L5 – L1|, Ant – J1)
反向隔离:35dB(J1 – Ant)
Req. DC Input V.:3.6-15Vdc(DC Input on J1)
Current:15mA(Amplifier current draw, All ports 50Ω)
Electrical Specifications, TA = 25oC
Amplifier Gain of 20dB
Gain ≥ 20dB
Small Form Factor
2.5 (not including connectors) x 0.75 x 0.875 in.
Extremely Flat Group Delay
Less that 1ns variation
Excellent Gain Flatness
Gain | L1 – L2 | < 1.0 dB
The MLA20RPDC GPS Line Amplifier is a one input, one output device with a 20dB min. gain block in a miniaturized housing. The frequency response covers the GPS L1/L2 and GLONASS bands with excellent gain flatness. In the normal configuration, the RF output (J1) passes DC from the connected GPS receiver through the amplifier to the antenna, allowing the GPS receiver to power both the antenna and the amplifier.