深圳市莱晟特照明科技有限公司是一家集研发、生产、销售、服务于一体的现代LED照明灯具生产企业。作为全球性 LED照明生产企业,公司产品种类繁多,主要包括:LED日光灯管、LED三防灯、LED灯条,LED吸顶灯、LED筒灯、LED商业轨道灯,LED 生鲜照明灯等各种照明产品。莱晟特产品已被海内外客户广泛应用于:商业照明、工业照明、室内装饰照明、建筑照明、特种照明等场所及领域。
公司具备的生产、检测设备以外,也建立了的工程实验室,此实验室可以完成传导辐射测试,浪涌测试,静电测试以及光学测试。公司采用全自动SMT 设备以及全自动生产流水线以保障生产的、高产能。同时拥有行业中的LED照明检测设备以及LED电源检测试验室,使得LED日光灯管月产能在10万支以上,筒灯产能在5万套以上、面板灯、吸顶灯等其它产品月产能也均在3-5万个以上。
Ledsote Lighting company limited is one of the professional manufacturer which specialize in developing, producing and selling for Led Lighting. As a worldwide LED manufacturer, We have various series of LED lighting which include: LED Panel light, Led tube light, LED Tri-proof light, LED Linear light, LED down light, LED Ceiling light, LED Fresh Lighting, LED Track Light etc. All of our products were widely used by our customers in the following fields: Commercial Lighting, Industrial lighting, Architecture lighting, Indoor and outdoor lighting, LED city lighting, Stage lighting etc.