Advanced Microwave放大器WPA273P
Frequency Range (GHz):0.1 - 18.0
Gain (dB) Min.:40
Gain (±dB) Flatness Max.:±2.5
1dB Gain Compression (dBm) Min.:+24
Third Order Intercept (dBm) Typ.:+32
DC Supply mA Typ.:700
Operating Case Temperature: -40 - +75 °C
Power Supply Voltage: +11 to +15 Volts
* Power supply for these models is +12 ±0.6 Volts ** Power supply for these models is +15 ±0.6 Volts
* Power supply for these models is +12 ±0.6 Volts
** Power supply for these models is +15 ±0.6 Volts
Noise Figure: 4 dB typ. to 8 GHz and 6 dB typ. above 8 GHz band.
VSWR: 2.5:1 typ.