1. 适用于爆炸性气体环境1区、2区;
2. 适用于II A、II B、II C级爆炸性气体环境;
3. 适用于温度组别为T1~T6的环境;
4. 适用于石油采炼、储存、化工、医药、及军事设施等爆炸性危险环境。
5. 用作厂区或道路照明;
6. 三种规格产品可选;泛光(照明)灯、投光灯和马路灯。
1. It is applicable for zone 1 and zone 2 in explosive gas atmosphere;
2. It is applicable for explosive gas atmosphere CAT. IIA, IIB and IIC;
3. It is applicable for temperature groups T1-T4;
4. It is applicable for dangerous explosive locations such as oil exploitation, petroleum refining and storage, chemical industry, medical industry, war industry, military installation, etc;
5. It is applicable for factory area or road lighting;
6. Three types optional: floodlight, projection lamp, street lamp.
德力西150Wled防爆泛光灯产品特点 Features
1. 光源模块:采用高亮度LED光源,配合率恒流驱动电源,比气体放电灯节电达60%;LED组件全部密封,防水防尘,无需内部清洁和维护;电路基板热阻低,设计的模块电路,每单元故障不会影响其余组件的正常工作。
2. 电源模块:率恒流驱动电源配合智能型功率调整器;具有光通量补偿功能,减少光衰,LED光源的光效;具有过压保护、过电流保护及突波电流保护功能。
3. 散热模块:防爆灯外壳采用铝合金高压铸造成型,表面经抛丸后高压静电喷塑,有效提高了壳体的散热性能;电路基板紧贴铝合金壳体,可将点热源瞬间转换为面热源,散热面积成倍增加,利于热量迅速分散,提高散热效率;壳体表面具有气流分散沟槽,借助空气流动带走热量;散热鳍片密度高,大大提高散热面积,充分LED的散热要求,使用寿命更长。
4. 配光模块:针对每种灯具类型设计的配光元件,充分发挥灯具的使用性能;
5. 无紫外线辐射,能为长时间在室内工作的用户提供照明与健康保障;
6. 光源与电源采用—体式结构,电源腔设有铰链,灯具安装更方便;
7. 本系列灯具属于免维护产品,节能环保;
8. 壁式安装旋转角度可调,电缆布线,吸顶式、嵌入式安装可采用电缆或钢管布线;
9. 外露紧固件采用高防腐性能的不锈钢材质。
1. High luminous efficiency
Luminous efficacy of the incandescent lamp is 7~14lm/W, that of fluorescent lamp is 50~80lm/W, that of HV sodium lamp is 80~12lm/W, most of the power consumption turns into thermal loss. Luminous efficacy of the LED reaches 90~120lm/W, with good monochromaticity, narrow light spectrum, optional color temperature and good color rendering property.
2. Less power consumption
Power of single LED is 1~3W, adopts DC driving, single-tube driving voltage is 3~35V, current is 0.35~1A, with quick reaction speed and high-frequency operation. Under the conditions of same luminous effect, its power consumption is one eighth of that of incandescent bulb, and a half of that of fluorescent tube.
3. Long service life
The general light sources work to shine by using electronic light radiation filament, so it is easy to burn and have thermal deposition and light attenuation. While, LED light source is featured with small volume, light weight and epoxy resin encapsulation, can withstand high-strength mechanical shock or vibration, theoretical service life as long as 100,000 hours, greatly reducing the maintenance costs.
4. Safe and reliable
Cold light source, no thermal radiation, the light type and angle can be controlled accurately, with soft light, free from glare, no mercury or sodium or other hazard materials. The built-in microprocessing system controls the luminous intensity and regulates the luminous way.
5. Environmental friendly
LED is a solid illuminant, is shock resistant, impact resistant, unbreakable. The waste can be recycled, no pollution to the environment.
6. Low use cost
LED light source is a bit more expensive than traditional light sources, but you can recoup the investment of LED light source by saving the energy in one year. As it is a maintenance-free light source, you can save the maintenance cost in the following years, greatly cut down the use cost.
主要技术参数 Main technical parameters
执行标准:GB3836.1、GB 3836.2、GB 3836.3
额定电压:AC 90~270V
光 源:LED光源
Executive standard:GB3836.1、GB 3836.2、GB 3836.3、GB 3836.9、IEC60079-0、lEC60079-1、IEC 60079-7、IEC 60079-18
Rated voltage:AC 90~270V
Light source:LEDLight source
Luminous efficiency:>90Im/W
Rated power:50W、70W、100W
Power factor:>0.9
Color temperature:5500K
Color rendering index:Ra>70
Protection grade:IP66
Entry spec.:G3/4"
Cable's outer diameter:Φ9mm~Φ14mm
LED光源特性 Features of LED light source
1. 发光
2. 耗电量少
3. 使用寿命长
4. 安全可靠性强
5. 有利于环保
6. 使用成本低
1. High luminous efficiency
Luminous efficacy of the incandescent lamp is 7~14lm/W, that of fluorescent lamp is 50~80lm/W, that of HV sodium lamp is 80~12lm/W,most of the power consumption turns into thermal loss. Luminous efficacy of the LED reaches 90~120lm/W, with good monochromaticity,narrow light spectrum, optional color temperature and good color rendering property.
2. Less power consumption
Power of single LED is 1~3W, adopts DC driving, single-tube driving voltage is 3~35V, current is 0.35~1A, with quick reaction speedand high-frequency operation. Under the conditions of same luminous effect, its power consumption is one eighth of that of incandescentbulb, and a half of that of fluorescent tube.
3. Long service life
The general light sources work to shine by using electronic light radiation filament, so it is easy to burn and have thermal depositionand light attenuation. While, LED light source is featured with small volume, light weight and epoxy resin encapsulation, can withstand high-strength mechanical shock or vibration, theoretical service life as long as 100,000 hours, greatly reducing the maintenance costs.
4. Safe and reliable
Cold light source, no thermal radiation, the light type and angle can be controlled accurately, with soft light, free from glare, no mercuryor sodium or other hazard materials. The built-in microprocessing system controls the luminous intensity and regulates the luminous way.
5. Environmental friendly
LED is a solid illuminant, is shock resistant, impact resistant, unbreakable. The waste can be recycled, no pollution to the environment.
6. Low use cost
LED light source is a bit more expensive than traditional light sources, but you can recoup the investment of LED light source by saving the energy in one year. As it is a maintenance-free light source, you can save the maintenance cost in the following years, greatly cut down the use cost