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1.S7-300硬件结构 S7-300或者S7-400的PLC是模块式的PLC,各种模块式相互立的,分别安装在机架上。硬件结构如图: DI:数字量输入模块,DO:数字量输出模块,AI:模拟量输入模块,AO:模拟量输出模块 2.S7-CPU模块 S7-CPU模块可分为紧凑型、标准型、型、户外型、故障安全型、特种型CPU。 CPU312C表示是紧凑型CPU; CPU313C-2DP表示集成了PROFIBUS-DP协议的紧凑型CPU; CPU314-2PtP表示集成了点到点协议的紧凑型CPU; CPU313表示标准型CPU; CPU312IFM表示户外型CPU; CPU317-2DP表示集成了PROFIBUS-DP协议的特种型CPU; 3.CPU的运行模式 1)RUN-P:可编程运行模块,在此模式下,可以让用户调试运行程序。 2)RUN:运行模式,在此模式下,仅能运行程序,不能修改程序。 3)STOP:停机模式,在此模式下,CPU不执行用户程序,但是装有STEP7的计算机可以读出或者修改用户程序。 4)MRES:存储器复位模式。当开关在此位置释放时会自动返回到STOP位置,该位置不可保存。 4.S7-300PLC功能 1)高速的指令处理。 2)人机界面(HMI)。 3)诊断功能。 4)口令保护。 5.S7-300模块(多机架图) MPI是多点接口(Multi Point Interface)的简称,是西门子公司开发的用于PLC之间通讯的保密的协议。MPI通讯是当通信速率要求不高、通信数据量不大时,可以采用的一种简单经济的通讯方式。MPI通信可使用PLC S7-200/300/400、操作面板TP/OP及上位机MPI/PROFIBUS通信卡,如CP5512/CP5611/CP5613等进行数据交换。MPI网络的通信速率为19.2Kbps~12Mbps,多可以连接32个节点,大通讯距离为50m,但是可以通过中继器来扩展长度。 6.S7-300数字量模块地址的确 1)数字I/O模块每个槽占4B(等于32个I/O点),如槽1的地址为0.0~3.7;数字量模块中的输入点和输出点的地址由字节部分和位部分组成,如I0.0,可以参考下图理解: 2)模拟I/O模块每个槽占16B(等于8个模拟量通道),每个模拟量输入通道、输出通道的地址总是一个字地址,如槽1-模拟量1的地址为00~01,槽1-模拟量2的地址为:02~03,槽1-模拟量8的地址为:14~15。

SWITCH, 集成 24V DC 电源, FRONT C 6ES7314-6EH04-4AB1 SIMATIC S7-300 CPU 组包含:S7-300 CPU314C-2PN/DP(6ES7314-6EH04-0AB0),2X 前连接器(6ES7392-1AM00-0AA0)带有螺钉触点, 40针 6ES7314-6EH04-4AB2 SIMATIC S7-300组包含:S7-300 CPU314C-2PN/DP(6ES7314-6EH04-0AB0),2X 前连接器(6ES7392-1BM01-0AA0)带有弹簧触点, 40针 6ES7315-2AH14-0AB0 SIMATIC S7-300, CPU 315-2DP CPU 含有 MPI 接口, 集成 24 V DC 电源, 256 KB 工作存储区 2. 接口DP-MASTER/SLAVE,需要 MMC卡 6ES7315-2EH14-0AB0 SIMATIC S7-300 CPU 315-2 PN/DP, 中央处理器含有 384 KB工作存储区, 1. 接口MPI/DP 12MBIT/S, 2.接口以太网PROFINET, 带有 2个 PORT SWITCH,有 MMC卡 6ES7317-2AK14-0AB0 SIMATIC S7-300, CPU317-2 DP, 中央处理器带有 1 MB 工作存储区, 1. 接口 MPI/DP 12MBIT/S, 2. 接口 DP-MASTER/SLAVE, 有MMC卡 6ES7317-2EK14-0AB0 SIMATIC S7-300 CPU 317-2 PN/DP, 中央处理器带有 1 MB 工作存储区, 1. 接口 MPI/DP 12MBIT/S, 2. 接口 以太网 PROFINET, 带有 2 个PORT SWITCH, 有 MMC卡 6ES7318-3EL01-0AB0 SIMATIC S7-300 CPU 319-3 PN/DP, 中央处理器 带有 2 MB 工作存储区, 1. 接口 MPI/DP 12MBIT/S, 2. 接口 DP-MASTER/SLAVE, 3. 接口 以太网 PROFINET, 带有 2个 PORT SWITCH,有 MMC卡 6ES7315-6TH13-0AB0 SIMATIC S7-300, CPU 315T-2 DP,中央处理器用于PLC 和

Technology CPUs • CPU 1511T-1 PN: for smaller applications with medium requirements on the program scope and processing speed, for distributed setup via PROFINET IO. • CPU 1515T-2 PN: for applications with medium/high requirements on the program scope, networking and processing speed. For distributed configuration via PROFINET IO. The additional integrated PROFINET interface with separate IP address can be used, for example, for network separation, for connecting further PROFINET IO RT devices, or for high-speed communication as an I-Device. • CPU 1517T-3 PN/DP: for applications with very high requirements regarding program scope, networking and processing speed. For distributed configuration via PROFINET IO and PROFIBUS DP. The additional integrated PROFINET interface with separate IP address can be used, for example, for network separation, for connecting further PROFINET IO RT devices, or for high-speed communication as an I-Device. • CPU 1517TF-3 PN/DP: for standard and fail-safe applications with very high requirements regarding program scope, networking and processing speed. For distributed configuration via PROFINET IO and PROFIBUS DP with PROFIsafe. The additional integrated PROFINET interface with separate IP address can be used, for example, for network separation, for connecting further PROFINET IO RT devices, or for high-speed communication as an I-Device. All SIMATIC S7-1500 CPUs support motion control functions. STEP 7 provides motion control instructions that are standardized in accordance with PLCopen for configuring and connecting a drive to the CPU. Motion control with the S7-1500 supports the following technology objects: • Speed-controlled axes • Positioning axes • Synchronized axes (relative synchronism with synchronization, without specification of the synchronous position, setpoint linkage) • External encoders • Cams • Cam track • Probe The technology CPUs of the SIMATIC S7-1500 offer advanced motion control functions: • Extended synchronous operation functions o Synchronization with specification of t








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@2009-2025 京ICP证100626