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Nice English service for Lhasa Gyangtse Shigatse Namtso Group Tour -7 Days(G08)

We arrange English tour guide service for the tour in China.
Tibet Tour,Tibet Trip,Tibet Travel Service @Benny,
Welcome to China, and Welcome to Tibet!
Tashi Delek! 扎西德勒
With long-run China tour service experience,we offer you nice and professional tour service to Tibet.
Just consult Benny for detail,we will arrange the better itin for you......
visit our website:
Day 01: Arrival in Lhasa
Our staff will greet you at Lhasa Airport/Railway to transfer you to hotel. From Lhasa Airport to downtown Lhasa, usually takes abt 1.5hrs; from Lhasa Railway Station, abt 20mins. After transferred to hotel, the rest of the day you will be free to wander around the city on your own but try not to overtax yourself. The first day’s well-rest is crucial to acclimatize high altitude. Remember to drink lots of water, eat light, and not to shower if you can help it. For our free Lhasa Airport/Railway transfer, pls
check the Inclusions for the information of our free Lhasa Airport/Railway transfers.
Overnight in Lhasa, 3★/4★

Day 02: Lhasa Suburb (B+D)
Highlights: Drepung Monastery, Sera Monastery
Today you will visit totally 2 attractions in Lhasa suburb. In the morning, we will arrange you to see Drepung Monastery. In the afternoon, we will visit Sera Monastery. You will stay long hour on sightseeing today under the fierce sun of Tibet, do arm yourself with sunglasses/ hat/ sunscreen.
Also a welcome dinner will be held tonight to introduce you to the whole gang that you are going to travel with. We have customers from all over the world. Shall be fun to meet people from different countries, culture and background.

Located abt 8km west of central Lhasa, Drepung Monastery was once one of the world’s largest monasteries. The word Drepung literally translates as ‘rice heap’, a reference to the huge numbers of white monastic buildings that once piled up on the hill side.
Sera Monastery is located in the northern suburb of Lhasa City. The monastery was named Sera which means wild rose in the
Tibetan language, because the hill behind it was covered with wild roses in bloom when the monastery was built. From of
Mon ~ Fri, every afternoon, you ll be able to see monks debating at Sera Monastery.
Overnight in Lhasa, 3★/4★

Day 03: Lhasa City (B)
Highlights: Potala Palace, Jokhang Temple, Barkhor Street
This morning, visit Potala Palace. It is more than 3,700 meters above sea level and it is the highest palace in the world! At the top the palace called golden roofs, you can have a bird-eye view of the whole of Lhasa. In the distance there are undulating mountain ranges, the beautiful Lhasa River, tracts of fields, tree-shaded villages and the glistening Jokhang Temple.
Afternoon, visit Jokhang Temple, it is the first built during the period of Sontsan Gambo in the 7th century, features Buddhist prayer wheels, reclining deer, golden sutra streamers. You'll find that many Pilgrims pray before the monastery.
The circuit around it called Barkhor Street, a famous local handmade crafts market, which is a good place to purchase souvenirs.
Overnight in Lhasa, 3★/4★

Day 04: Lhasa - Gyantse - Shigatse (B)
Highlights: Yamdrok Lake, Karola Glacier, Pelkor Chöde Monastery with Gyantse Kumbum
Yamdrotso Lake: dazzling Yamdro-tso(elev 4441m) is normally first seen from the summit of the Kamba-la(4700m). The lake lies several hundred meters below the road, and in clear weather is fabulous shade of deep turquoise. Far in the distance is the huge massif of Mt. Nojin Kangtsang(7191m).
Karola Glacier: Mt Nojin Kangsang stands tall with an elevation of 7,191m between Gyantze County and Nagarzê County, with several snow-capped mountains over 6,000m surrounding it. Mount Nojin Kangsang is the most accessible glacier site on the Tibetan Plateau. The famous Kharola Glacier (elev 5,560m) is below the south ridge of Nojin Kangsang.
Pelkor Chöde Monastery with Gyantse Kumbum: the sprawling compound in the far north of town houses Pelkor Chöde Monastery and the monumental Gyantse Kumbum, a chörten filled with fine paintings and statues. Both are deservedly top of the list on most travellers’ must-sees. Palkhor lies at the foot of Dzong Hill. It is well-known for its Kumbum, which has 108 chapels in its four floors. The multi-storied Kumbum Stupa was crowned with a golden dome and umbrella, surrounded with more chapels filled with unique religious statues and murals.
Overnight in Shigatse,3★/4★

Day 05: Shigatse > Lhasa (B)
Highlights: Tashilump Monastery
For the trip back to Lhasa from Shigatse, we have two solutions which will be decided by Great Tibet Tour.
Option A: Drive from Shigatse – Lhasa;
Option B: Train from Shigatse – Lhasa; Guide will accompany you to taxi to Shigatse Railway to take this train to Lhasa. Pick up by vehicle from Lhasa Railway then transfer to hotel

Tashilunpo Monastery is one of the Six Big Monasteries of Gelugpa (or Yellow Hat Sect) in Tibet. Also called the Heap of Glory, the monastery is located at the foot of Drolmari (Tara's Mountain), Shigatse. Founded by the First Dailai Lama in 1447, the monastery's structure was expanded by the Fourth and successive Panchen Lamas. It covers an area of nearly 300,000 square meters. The main structures found in the monastery are Maitreya Chapel, Panchen Lama's Palace and Kelsang Temple. Tashilhunpo is the seat of Panchen Lama since the Fourth Panchen Lama took charge in the monastery, and there are now nearly 800 lamas.
Overnight in Lhasa,3★/4★

Day 06: Lhasa - Namtso - Lhasa (B)
Highlisht: Namtso Lake
Optional: Yampachen Hot Spring
On the way to Namtso, you will have a far view of Nyenchen Thanglha Snow Mountain. Enjoy the view of the vast grassland and spectacular natural scenery. You’ll arrive at Namtso after pass Nagela Pass(5150m).

Namtso Lake is the highest salt lake. It means “holy lake” in the Tibetan language. In the early summer, flocks of wild ducks fly to inhabit here and breed their offspring. Wild animals such as black bears, yaks, wild donkeys, foxes, roe deer and marmots can often be found around the lake. You can do a bit trekking at the lake side.
On the way back to Lhasa, we can visit Yampachen Hot Spring (Entry Fee: CNY 40/person; Bathing Fee: abt CNY 50~98/person for different pools) at your own expenses if the whole group agrees. Yangbajain lies just south of the Nyainqêntanglha Mountains, famous for Yangbajain Hot Springs, at an altitude of 4290–4500m making it the highest altitude set of hot springs in China. Both indoor and outdoor swimming pools have been set up here, in which visitors can enjoy a bath.
Overnight in Lhasa, 3★/4★

Day 07: Departure from Lhasa (B)
Your 6-day Lhasa Gyangtse Shigatse Group Tour ends today. After breakfasts, you will be free for the morning. Our staff will collect you at your hotel to transfer to Lhasa Airport/Railway.
End of tour!








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