C2.2 Water use
C2.2 用水
C2.2a The Certified Organization shall monitor and meet all relevant legal requirements related to water use.
C2.2a 认证组织应监督并遵守与用水相关的所有法律规定。
C2.2b Relevant, up-to-date permits shall be held and compliance maintained.
C2.2b 应保持相关的新许可证,并遵守合规性。
C2.2c Measurement and record keeping of water usage shall be undertaken on a monthly basis.
C2.2c 应至少每月进行一次用水量的测量和记录保存。
C2.2d The Certified Organization shall set and meet targets for meaningful improvements in water use and review progress annually.
C2.2d 认证组织应制定并满足用水改善目标,并且每年审查进展情况。