



The third set of RMB a full set of a total of 27, is a real big full, is currently one of the very high collection value and appreciation potential collection. The third set of RMB officially released since 1962 to 2000 out of circulation. The set of notes for over 50 years, the market precipitation adequately, deeply the general collection lovers. Large complete set sample has been included in national coin museum, is an important cultural relics. The third set of RMB is outstanding in our country at present the five sets of the yuan in circulation time a specialty, is also China's first fully independent design, printing the first paper money. The third set of RMB since April 1962 officially released, until July 2000 to gradually fade out from the common people's life, in the market circulation of 38 years, is the existing five sets of the yuan in circulation for the longest, is also China's first fully independent design, printed a set of COINS, recorded the history of a special and precious.

目前,第三套人民币已具备了“退出流通”、“市场沉淀”、“钞王领涨”三大快速升值的条件。这与当年由首套的“壹万元牧马图券”的首套人民币和由“大黑10”的第二套人民币大幅拉升前夕的历史背景毫无二致。此套人民币在整体设计上较第二套人民币显得更加活泼、美观、大方,更富有民族特色,存在着意义非凡的收藏价值,因为纸币上的正面图、背景图是与当时社会的背景环境息息相关的。而其中的10元纸币的图案是在1962年第三套人民币发行3年多之后才终定稿。 10元大团结、5元炼钢工人、 2元车工 、1元女拖拉机手、5角纺织工人、 2角长江大桥 、1角农耕群众、5分帆船远航、2分飞机起飞、1分大卡车,把工业、农业、重工业、轻工业搬上了画面,第三套人民币图案的终落实,代表了中国社会主义的发展进入了一个全新的时代,象征了各族、各人民大团结的美好开端。第三套纸币是停止流通法定钞,,越来越少,越藏越贵,钞钞值千金!

At present, the third set of RMB has "exit flow", "market precipitation", "chao Wang Ling" three big essential condition of the rapid rise. This and by the first set of "ten thousand yuan MuMaTu coupons, led the first set of RMB and by the" big black 10 "led by the second set of a big lift on the eve of the historical background. This set of RMB on the overall design from the second set of RMB more lively, beautiful, generous, more rich national characteristics, there is a remarkable collection value, because the positive figure, background picture on a bill is closely related to social background at that time. And one of the patterns of the 10 yuan note is issued in the third set of RMB 1962 was finalized after more than three years. Unity among 10 yuan, 5 yuan steelworker, 2 yuan Turner, 1 yuan female tractor driver, 5 horn textile workers, 2 Yangtze river bridge, 1 Angle of farming people, 5 sailing voyage, 2 points takeoff, 1 big trucks, move the industry, agriculture, light industry, heavy industry on the screen, final design of the third set of RMB, on behalf of the Chinese socialist development has entered a new era, symbolize the great unity of all nationalities, all levels of people's good start. The third set of notes is to stop the current legal bill, non-renewable, less and less, more hidden more expensive, chao chao is precious!


After more than 10 years of recovery, precipitation and the use of market consumption, the third set of RMB less and less, such as the "Turner two circle" in the third set of RMB has Jane chao is extremely rare, now left, collection value more and more obvious. At present all the most popular when belong to the third set of RMB yuan, as China's first independent design issue of the yuan, it has a breakthrough the value of history, for the first time in their production printing of paper money can be said to be the alternative of the first set of domestic currency, not only recorded the progress of China, but also to the particular conditions shall be recorded into the third set of RMB each note were recorded in the time of the life and the social economic level, can be said to be China's most precious memoir. The third set of RMB has caught the attention of more and more people, "king of coin," said it was awarded, according to the market quotation, 2 one hundred yuan face values the even number money price has more than 200000. The third set of the latest trend has almost let people jealous, a lot of people want to have such a coin, but like this valued coin collection not only depends on his luck, more important is to see their own fate. But if really have a chance to collect the money, so the others on the market is really difficult to see the coin, so the third set of RMB is really worthy of collection.








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@2009-2025 京ICP证100626