联系人:吴小姐 欧盟至2007年1月止共有27个成员国,他们是:
除下列设备Equipment and Phenomena outside the Scope of this Directive:
Electrical equipment for use in an explosive atmosphere 爆炸环境下的电气设备
Electrical equipment for radiology and medical purposes 放射及医疗目的的电气设备
Electrical parts for goods and passenger lifts 用于货物及人员升除的电气部件
Electricity meters 电能表
Plugs and socket outlets for domestic use 家用插头,插座
Electric fence controllers 电网控制器
Radio-electrical interference无线电干扰
Specialised electrical equipment, for use on ships, aircraft or railways, which complies with the safety provisions drawn up 使用在有要求的船舶,航天或铁路上的电气设备
by international bodies in which the Member States participate.国际性组织成员分享的设备