Most of the glassy meteorites are black or dark green and translucent, similar to the shape of the melting sputter. They are generally thought to have been caused by meteorite events. The impact of a large meteorite caused the surface and meteorite fragments to melt and crystallize rapidly. There are spherical, dumbbell shaped, droplet like, button shaped and irregular blocks. Fragile and cracked with shell like fractures. The size of the glassy meteorites found on the continents ranges from a few millimeters to a dozen centimeters. They are dimmed by reflected light, but their thin edges are transparent and have different colors, ranging from yellow to green, from olive brown to dark brown. The proportion is generally 2.3 to 2.6, and the refractive index is 1.48 to 1.62. The composition of the same area is the same, and there are great differences in different regions. But the SiO2 content is very high, actually of the glass.Micrometeorites are found only in marine sediments. They are all below a few millimeters in size and have the same age, composition and shape as the glassy meteorites from nearby continents.
世界上玻璃陨石主要集中分布于 4个地区:
②捷克和斯洛伐克区,发现于波斯米亚和摩拉维亚,在摩拉维亚发现的称莫尔达维玻璃陨石,年龄值约 1450万年。
③ 北美区,主要发现于美国得克萨斯州、佐治亚州等地,年龄值约3400万年 。
④ 科特迪瓦区,包括科特迪瓦、加纳及其附近海域,年龄值约110万年。
编辑 在人类历史上,从未见有玻璃陨石的陨落,据玻璃陨石地质年龄测定与其它陨石地质年龄相比又显得年轻,玻璃陨石地质年龄由0.7-35百万年,其它陨石地质年龄在30-40亿年或以上,科学研究论证玻璃陨石与其它陨石(石陨石、铁陨石)存在有不同的形成机理。 玻璃陨石形成的两种假说,地球起源说中的火山喷发说、冲击变质说,月球起源说中火山喷发说、冲击变质说。 地球火山喷发说: 玻璃陨石是火山喷发的产物。 持这种论点的学者越来越少,因地球上四个陨落区没有大量火山爆发和大规模熔岩流的佐证。 地球冲击变质说: 玻璃陨石是陨石撞击地球岩石后形成。大陨石高速撞击地球岩石,高温促使岩石熔融变质,熔融物飞溅形成玻璃陨石。冲击变质说很难解释象澳大利亚陨落区这一广大的地域内存在的玻璃陨石,据测算冲击变质说形成的玻璃陨石,要飞溅到这么大的范围,需具备6公里/秒的初速度是不可能的,在这一地域中存在微细粒玻璃陨石更不可能,飞溅的微细粒玻璃陨石,飞溅时受到空气的阻力,不可能出现6公里/秒的初速度。 Lunar volcano eruption said: glass meteorite is the product of lunar volcano eruption, the eruption material into the gravitational field of the earth, fall to the earth, the lunar gravity is small, out of the lunar gravity, only 2.4 km / sec of the initial speed, theoretically can be achieved. Studies have shown that several types of glassy meteorites, such as those in Australia, are most consistent with the products of lunar volcanic eruptions. There are few H2O in lunar rock and lunar soil, and there are many fine grained glass in lunar soil. Lunar volcanic eruptions of glass meteorites say that pending the implementation of China's Chang'e lunar landing program, more samples of lunar rocks and lunar soil can be collected on the moon. Now China has only a small sample of lunar rocks donated by the United States from Apollo, and it is impossible to study the genesis of glass meteorites. 月球冲击变质说: 玻璃陨石是陨石撞击月球岩石后形成,飞溅物质进入地球引力范围,月球引力较小,仅需2.4公里/秒的初速度。 捷克南部,玻璃陨石的产地,恰好在远古时代,这里正是人工玻璃的生产地,曾在一段时间里,玻璃陨石被认为是人工玻璃,后来对这种玻璃进行了年龄测定,不属人类时期产物,而是玻璃陨石。 成因