Unit V-0, V-1,
V-2, HB
Thkns, in.+
High-current-arc ignition Max PLC 3 Actual@
Hot-wire ignition Max PLC 4 Actual@
Volume resistivity - dry Min meg-ohm cm 50 1/16
Volume resistivity - wet Min meg-ohm cm 10 1/16
Dielectric strength - dry kV per mm 6.89 1/16
Dielectric strength - wet — 6.89 1/16
Comparative Tracking Index Max PLC 4 1/16
Heat deflection °C * 1/8
# Testing is intended to be as described in ANSI/UL 746A, "Polymeric Materials - Short Term Property Evaluations."
+ Test sample thickness on which the index is to be based.
@ Actual thickness or minimum thickness of material being considered.
* Not required for thermoset; for thermoplastics, at least 10°C (18°F) above rated operating temperature with 90°C (194°F) minimum value.
Comparative Tracking Index (CTI; ASTM D3638 ) — Expressed as that voltage which causes tracking on a printed wiring board base material after 50 drops of a 0.1% ammonium chloride solution has fallen on the material. CTI is not investigated for "Flammability Only" boards and should be considered during the end-product investigation.
CTI Range-tracking Index (TI in Volts) Assigned PLC
600 and greater 0
400 and up to 600 1
250 and up to 400 2
175 and up to 250 3
100 and up to 175 4
Less than 100 5
The CTI Performance Level Category (PLC) of a printed wiring board is dependent on the CTI PLC of the base material used to make the board. The CTI PLC may be identified to facilitate OEM selection of printed wiring boards for applications in which the CTI rating is significant.
The above electrical properties may be determined by means of the applicable ASTM and/or UL specification in ANSI/UL 746A.
(一) FR-4,FR-4.1,FR-5单面板及双面板认证申请
(二) cem-1,cem-3单面板及双面板申请
(三) FR-1,FR-3单面板及双面板申请
(四) FR-4多层板申请
(五) 单面铝基板仅燃烧认证和全认证申请
(六) 双面铝基板仅燃烧认证和全认证申请
(七) 多层铝基板仅燃烧认证和全认证申请
(八) 铜基板 单面,双面,多层 仅燃烧认证和全认证申请
(九) 柔性线路板(软板)仅燃烧认证和全认证申请
(十) 软硬结合板仅燃烧认证和全认证申请
(十一) 线路板基材认证申请
(十二) 线路板油墨认证申请
(十三) 覆盖膜,电磁膜,屏蔽膜认证申请
(十四) 已有UL,增加CUL认证申请
(十五) 其他认证申请
(十六) XPC板材 22f板材 HB板材 V0板材
详询Sunny 陶 1822971259