ultrasonic im衡水波纹涵管 直装波纹涵管 烟筒涵管 代替水泥烟筒aging method(UT), ground penetrating radar method(GPR), ultrasonic p衡水波纹涵管 直装波纹涵管 烟筒涵管 代替水泥烟筒hase formation method and so on. However, due to the differences in the principle, scope, and accuracy of various detection methods, the engi
Finally, combining with a hig衡水波纹涵管 直装波纹涵管 烟筒涵管 代替水泥烟筒h speed project in Chengde and using the most advance衡水波纹涵管 直装波纹涵管 烟筒涵管 代替水泥烟筒d I-E S detection technology at home and abroad, t衡水波纹涵管 直装波纹涵管 烟筒涵管 代替水泥烟筒he feasibility of this technology for prestressed corrugat衡水波纹涵管 直装波纹涵管 烟筒涵管 代替水泥烟筒ed tube grouting defect detection is analyzed.
Investigation of defects and causes
If the corrugated tube is not compacted, the steel winch will be corroded, and the prestress will be lost in advance, which will shorten the bridge life. The formation defect of corrugated pipe is mainly that the cement slu