Steel and mechanical anchorage plate technology
1. Main technical content
Steel anchor plate is a basic technology of the concrete structure engineering, mechanical anchoring reinforcement for the reinforced concrete structure anchorage provides a kind of brand-new mechanical anchoring method, combined nuts and plate anchor plate through the straight thread connection with steel end to form reinforced mechanical anchorage device.
The mechanism of action is: the anchorage force of steel reinforcement is provided by the adhesion force between steel and concrete and the local bearing pressure of the anchorage plate.
2. Technical indicators
Compared with traditional steel reinforcement and anchorage technology, it can be used to reduce the anchorage length of steel bars by 40% and more than 40%.
Application of steel anchor plate in the frame node, anchorage steel can be saved by more than 60%, anchor plate and steel bar end through the threaded connections, quick installation, quality and will easy to guarantee: anchor plate has big anchorage stiffness, anchorage performance is good, and the advantages of convenient construction, is advantageous to the commercialization of supply: the top several kinds of new type concrete frame node and the middle layer node structure form of reinforced mechanical anchoring, can greatly simplify the site construction of reinforced engineering, to avoid the reinforced dense congestion, tie difficult problem, and can improve the node force performance and improve the quality of concrete structures.
3. Scope of application
The technology is suitable for hot rolled ribbed steel bar in concrete structure mechanical anchoring, main scope of application: used instead of traditional steel bar anchoring plate bending reinforcement, can be used to frame beam-column joints: instead of traditional bent bar and stirrup, used in the beam support: used for Bridges, hydraulic structure, such as subway, tunnel, nuclear power plants of reinforced concrete structure engineering anchorage;
Used as a fastener for steel bolts or rods.
4. Typical projects that have been applied
Reinforced mechanical anchorage technology in nuclear power plant engineering, water conservancy and hydropower, building and other areas to more widely used, such as zhejiang sanmen AP1000 nuclear power plant, qinshan nuclear power phase ii expansion, Fang Gushan nuclear power station, etc.;
Shenzhen wanscience fifth garden project, huaii construction bureau complex building, etc.
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The characteristics of the anchorage plate
1. 安全可靠 - 锚固性能好,可充分发挥钢筋强度,有利于更高强度钢筋使用。
1. Safe and reliable - anchoring performance is good, which can give full play to the strength of steel bar, which is beneficial to the use of higher strength steel reinforcement.
2. 简单 - 工艺简单,工效高,螺母与垫板合二为一,与钢筋直螺纹链接,
2. Simple and high-efficiency - simple process, high efficiency, the nut and gasket are merged into one, and direct threaded links with steel bars,
The process is simple, the efficiency is high, the operation is convenient, accelerate the construction speed of rebar construction.
3. 节材降耗 - 可减少或取消钢筋锚固长度,节约40-50%的锚固用钢材,降低成 本。
3. Saving materials can reduce or cancel the anchorage length of steel bars, and save 40-50% of the anchorage steel.
4. 提 - 克服传统弯筋锚固拥挤和混凝土浇筑困难问题,提高工程质量。
4. Improve the quality - overcome the problems of traditional bending and concrete pouring, and improve the quality of the project.
5.process: cutting machine, steel wire head processing, nuts directly mounting torsion (recommended with wrench).
Anchor plate classification
锚固板分类 锚固板承压面积与钢筋公称面积之比 钢筋锚固能力来自
部分锚固板 ≥4.5 锚固区段钢筋与混凝土的粘合力+锚固板下混凝土局部承压力
全锚固板 ≥9.0 全部依靠锚固板下混凝土局部承压力
Service mode
产品生产类 精轧螺纹钢螺母、垫板、连接器、螺旋筋、钢筋锚固板、高强度螺母、钢筋套筒、地脚螺栓、钢结构螺栓螺母。
产品代理销售类 精轧螺纹钢、普通螺纹钢、锚杆钢、空中锚杆
Master beam node
纵向钢筋不承受反复拉、压力,且锚固长度范围内钢筋的混凝土保护层厚度和锚固区的混凝土强度等级满足要求时,可取0.3 带肋钢筋12d光园钢筋15d
Use XJ part anchor plate to reduce the anchorage length.
The upper longitudinal bar of the secondary beam is extended to the inner side of the main beam. (the main beam is one row, which can be extended to the inner part of the main beam.)
The concrete protection on top of the main beam is unchanged;
The concrete protection layer is thickened at the top of the secondary beam, and the thickness of the concrete is increased to the diameter of the first row of the main beam.
Longitudinal reinforcement is not repeated, under pressure, and the anchoring length scale reinforced concrete strength grade of concrete cover thickness and anchorage zone of meet the requirements, recommend 0.3 ribbed steel 12 d garden light steel 15 d.
Steel and mechanical anchorage technology
Bonding and anchoring between reinforcement and concrete performance is one of the basic problems of reinforced concrete structure research, its structure of the steel bar intensity in the play, crack control, reinforcement structures and the safety of the structure has the important influence.
At present, in the reinforced concrete structure, steel commonly used in engineering machinery with curved hook at the end of the anchor plate method is to use structure, 90 ° or 130 ° bend hook steel although in a certain extent, enhance the steel anchorage performance, reduce the anchoring length, but bent or curved radius tectonic requirements often brings many problems, such as causing steel beam-column joints to crowded, bent or curved hook from other reinforcement layout interference, component size can not meet the requirement of the anchorage length, and so on.
In the use of large diameter steel, these contradictions are more emergent.
Such as using the steel bar anchoring plate technology, very good solution to this problem, on the basis of the guarantee reinforced mechanical anchorage performance, optimization of steel bar anchoring conditions, reduce the steel anchor length, anchor steel saving, convenient construction, improve the quality of concrete pouring.
3.用于桥梁、水工结构、地铁、隧道、核电站等各类混凝土结构工程的钢筋 锚固;
1. Replace traditional curved bars for frame structure beam nodes;
2. Instead of traditional bent and stirrup, it is used for the support of simple support beam.
3. Used for reinforcement and anchoring of concrete structures such as Bridges, hydraulic structures, subways, tunnels and nuclear power plants;
4. Used as fasteners for steel bars (or rods).本公司,是一家以主营精轧锚固板,精轧锚具,精轧螺纹钢锚具,法兰螺母企业。邯郸市晓军紧固件制造有限公司秉承质量求优,管理从严,以人为本,信誉至上的经营宗旨,自一九九五年建厂以来,我们选用优质钢材,引进先进生产设备、工艺,聘用高级的技术人才,工人全部培训上岗,道道工序质量严格把关。