序号 指令编号 指令名称(英文) 指令名称(中文)
1 2000/9/EC Cableway installations索道装置
2 (EC) 1907/2006 Chemical substances (REACH) 化学物质
3 89/106/EEC Construction products (CPD) 建筑产品
4 (EU) 305/2011 Construction products (CPR) 建筑产品法规指令
5 (EC) 1223/2009 Cosmetics 化妆品
6 92/42/EEC Eco design hot-water boilers 热水锅炉
7 2010/30/EU Eco designand energy labelling 生态设计和能源标签
8 2009/125/EC Eco designand energy labelling 生态设计和能源标签
9 (EC) 1221/2009 Eco managementand audit scheme (EMAS) 生态管理和审计计划
10 2004/108/EC Electromagneti compatability (EMC) 电磁兼容指令
11 94/9/EC Equipment for explosive atmospheres (ATEX) 防爆指令
12 93/15/EEC Explosives for civil uses 民用爆炸物
13 2009/142/EC Gas appliances (GAD) 燃气具指令
14 95/16/EC Lifts 电梯指令
15 2006/95/EC Low Voltage (LVD) 低电压指令
16 2006/42/EC Machinery (MD) 机械指令
17 2004/22/EC Measuring instruments (MID) 计量器具指令
18 93/42/EEC Medical devices (MDD) 医疗设备指令
19 90/385/EEC Medical devices: active implantable 主动植入式医疗设备
20 98/79/EC Medical devices: in vitro diagnostic 体外诊断式医疗设备
21 (EC) 765/2008 New legislative framework (NLF) 新的立法框架
22 2009/23/EC Non-automatic weighing instruments (NAWI) 非自动衡器指令
23 94/62/EC Packaging and packaging waste 包装和包装废弃物
24 89/686/EEC Personal protective equipment (PPE) 个人防护指令
25 97/23/EC Pressure equipment (PED) 压力设备指令
26 2007/23/EC Pyrotechnic articles 烟火用品指令
27 1999/5/EC Radio and telecommunications terminal equipment (RTTE) 无线电设备和电信终端设备
28 2008/57/EC Rail system: interoperability 铁路系统的互操作性
29 94/25/EC Recreational craft 娱乐游艇指令
30 2011/65/EU Restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances (RoHS) 限制使用某些有害物质
31 2009/105/EC Simple Pressure Vessels 简单压力容器
32 2009/48/EC Toys safety 玩具指令