丝印网纱:目数可达到500目/厘米,丝网厚度、开口、丝径的误差控制在小的范围之内,是高精细线条印刷和网点印刷的选择。 高耐磨性:采用纤维做原材料,丝网表面经过特殊处理,能经受较高压的多次数摩擦,使丝网具有很高的安全性和耐印次数,丝印网纱规格,聚酯网纱,印刷网纱,涤纶网纱,印刷网纱销售面向国内外客户
High tension: screen tension and good stability and low elongation; because of high tension, the net from the small, from the grid and ink stripping well, can get high precision and high quality printing effect. At the same time, tension to maintain good stability in the printing process, to ensure the quality of printing and service life of the screen.
High precision: up to 500 mesh / cm, thickness, wire diameter, wire mesh opening error control in the smallest scope, is a good choice of high printing and screen printing fine lines. High wear resistance: the use of high-quality fiber as raw material, screen surface through special treatment, can withstand high pressure multi frequency friction, so that the screen has high safety and high printing times本公司,是一家以主营聚酯网纱,印刷网纱,涤纶网纱,印刷丝网企业。安徽亿汇筛网有限公司是一家全能型专业印刷丝网制造商,公司拥有苏尔寿P7100、P7150片梭织机、德国重型织机、智能整经机、英国喷码机、卷验机等进口设备,对原材料测试、整经、织造、初验、清洗、热定型、检验出厂都实行严格的科学管理和品质控制,尽量满足用户需求。产品主要分为JFP、DFP、JF、JP、JPP、DPP、PDM6--PDM15、PA、GG、JMG等系列产品,规格齐全12目—500目,最大宽幅可达390cm,颜色有黄、白、黑色,并通过SGS认证,公